Sunday, July 12, 2015

Good News, Everyone!

Pop open the bubbly and let’s eat some fancy food because I’m a success. That’s right, the Wikipedia page I edited a while back still has the edits I made. It was a small edit, just adding the title of a story to what is essentially a list. Well, I guess it's a little bit of an exaggeration to say that it was left totally unedited from how I presented it. Someone came along and changed some of the formatting so that it's a part of a larger paragraph rather than standing alone. If you’re curious here it is (my addition is bolded):

Harlan Ellison’s short story "A Boy and His Dog" takes place in a world desolated by the nuclear warfare in World War III. It was adapted into a film of the same name as well as a companion graphic novel titled Vic and Blood. In 2003, children's novelist Jeanne DuPrau released The City of Ember, which was the first of four books in a post-apocalyptic series for young adults. A film adaption, City of Ember, has since been made starring Bill Murray and Saoirse Ronan. In the anime film and manga NausicaƤ of the Valley of the Wind (manga 1982–94, film 1984) by Hayao Miyazaki, human civilization is destroyed after a war known as the "Seven Days of Fire", which results in the Earth's surface becoming polluted and the seas turning poisonous.

Before I came along "A Boy and His Dog" wasn’t mentioned at all let alone in all three variations. Harlan Ellison can rest easy knowing that I’ve got his back. This is a far cry from when I used to sit around in high school and watch my friends edit Wikipedia full of incorrect facts, hoping that someone somewhere would be called out as a fool over it. Yes, now I use my powers for good instead of evil.

Why someone would want to change the format or include those things in the same paragraph I'm not one hundred percent sure. I guess it really doesn't matter. My addition is still there and you know what? It feels awesome. 

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